How to Create a Budget for a Small Business

Learn how to set a budget for your small business so your finances are in order.

May 19, 2023
How to Create a Budget for a Small Business hero
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Creating a budget for a small business is an important step in planning and managing the financial resources of your business. Having a budget helps ensure that your business is not spending more than it can afford. A budget also helps you track expenses and identify cost savings opportunities.

In this guide, we will discuss the steps for creating a budget for a small business, and provide some tips for budgeting success.

Step 1: Determine Your Profit and Loss

Before creating a budget, it is important to understand your profit and loss. To get this information, you will need to conduct a profit and loss analysis. The analysis should include the following information:

  • Total income
  • Total expenses
  • Net profit or loss

The profit and loss analysis will help you determine the financial position of your business, and what funds you have available to allocate in the budget.

Step 2: Set Financial Goals

Once you have determined your bottom line, the next step is to set financial goals. Your financial goals should be based on your current financial situation, and aligned with the needs of your business.

Your goals should also be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Examples of financial goals for a small business could be to:

  • Increase total revenue by 10% in the next 3 months
  • Reduce overall expenses by 20% in the next 6 months
  • Achieve a net profit of $50,000 in the next 12 months

Step 3: Establish a Budget

Now that you have determined your profit and loss and set financial goals, it is time to set up your business budget. The budget is a plan or projection of how you intend to spend the funds that you have available.

When creating your budget, you should start by laying out your fixed expenses. Fixed expenses are costs that remain the same each month, such as rent, insurance, and utilities. You will want to make sure you account for all of your fixed expenses in your budget.

Once your fixed expenses are accounted for, it is time to create the rest of the budget. This will include variable expenses, such as payroll and other operating costs, and revenue sources, such as sales and investments.

When creating the budget, you should also factor in any potential changes. For example, if you anticipate an increase in sales in the upcoming months, you might want to increase the marketing budget accordingly.

Step 4: Monitor and Track Your Spending

Once your budget is set, it is important to monitor and track your spending. This can be done by comparing budgeted expenses against actual expenses. By monitoring your spending, you will be able to identify areas for improvement and ensure that you are staying on track with your budget.

The best way to track and monitor your spending is to use accounting software. Accounting software can help you record and track transactions in real-time, as well as generate useful reports to help you analyze your spending.

Step 5: Make Adjustments

As you monitor and track your spending, you may find that some of your budgeted amounts need to be adjusted. This could be due to changing market conditions or unexpected expenses. When making adjustments to your budget, it is important to ensure that your financial goals are still achievable.

Once you have made any necessary adjustments, you should re-evaluate your budget and financial goals. This will help ensure that your budget and goals are realistic and appropriate for your business.


Creating a budget for a small business is an important step in managing its financial resources. Following the steps outlined in this article will help ensure that your budget is realistic and achievable. Additionally, monitoring and tracking your spending will help you identify cost savings and potential adjustments that need to be made.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information contained herein. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based upon the information provided, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified financial advisor or professional. We do not assume any liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of the information presented in this article.

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